Crissy Everhart Photography, Studio Photographer
Pet Composite Photos, Chicken Growing Up
Noodle - 2 Days Old - Black Australorp Chick
Noodle - 28 Days Old - Black Australorp Chicken
Noodle - 6 Weeks Old - Black Australorp Pullet
Honey - 2 Days Old - Buff Orpington Chick
Honey - 21 Days Old - Buff Orpington Chick
Honey - 35 Days Old - Buff Orpington Chick
Poppy - 2 Days Old - Golden Laced Cochin
Poppy - 3 Weeks Old - Golden Laced Cochin
Poppy - 5 Weeks Old - Golden Laced Cochin
Poppy - 8 Week Old Golden Laced Cochin Chicken
Nugget - 14 Days Week Old - Ameraucana Chicken
Nugget - 28 Days Old - Awkward Ameraucana
Nugget - Six Weeks Old - Ameraucana Chicken
Ameraucana and Barnevelder Chicks, Nugget and Teriyaki
Teriyaki - Three Weeks Old - Barnevelder Chicken
Teriyaki - Five Weeks Old - Barnevelder Chicken
Teriyaki - Eight Weeks Old - Barnevelder Chicken
Pepper - 14 Days Old - Plymouth Barred Rock Chick
Pepper - 1 Month Old - Plymouth Barred Rock Chick
Pepper - Six Weeks Old - Plymouth Barred Rock Pullet
Sriracha - One Week Old - Production Red Chick
Sriracha - Four Week Old - Production Red Chick
Sriracha - 6 Weeks Old - Production Red Chicken
Blue - Three Weeks Old - Blue Andalusian Chick
Blue - Five Weeks Old - Blue Andalusian Chick
Blue - 6 Week Old Blue Andalusian Chicken
Guess What? Chicken Butt! Production Red and Orpington
Noodle - 7 Days Old - Black Australorp Chicken
Noodle - One Month Old - Black Australorp Chicken
Noodle - Six Weeks Old - Black Australorp Chicken
Honey - 7 Days Old - Buff Orpington Chick
Honey - 3 Weeks Old - Buff Orpington Chick
Honey - 6 Weeks Old - Buff Orpington Chicken
Poppy - 7 Days Old - Golden Laced Cochin
Poppy - 21 Days Old - Golden Laced Cochin
Poppy - 35 Days Old - Golden Laced Cochin
Poppy - Eight Weeks Old - Golden Laced Cochin Chicken
Nugget - 2 Weeks Old - Feathering Ameraucana
Beautiful Feathers on an Ameraucana Chicken
Nugget - 6 Weeks Old - Ameraucana Chicken
Teriyaki - Two Days Old - Barnevelder
Teriyaki - 3 Weeks Old - Barnevelder Chicken
Teriyaki - 5 Weeks Old - Barnevelder Chicken
Teriyaki - Eight Week Old Barnevelder Chicken
Two Week Old Pet Chickens in Chester County
Pepper - 5 Weeks Old - Plymouth Barred Rock
Pepper - 8 Weeks Old - Plymouth Barred Rock Pullet
Sriracha - 2 Week Old - Production Red Chick
Sriracha - Five Week Old - Production Red Chick
Sriracha - 8 Week Old Production Red Backyard Chicken
Blue - 21 Days Old - Blue Andalusian Chick
Blue - 5 Weeks Old - Blue Andalusian Chick
Blue - Eight Week Old Blue Andalusian Hen
Seven two-day-old baby chickens! Pet Photography
Five year old with two day old baby chicks
Noodle - 14 Days Old - Black Australorp Chicken
Noodle - Five Weeks Old - Black Australorp Chicken
Noodle and Pepper, the Two Black Hens
Fuzzy Chicken Legs - Honey - 14 Days Old
Honey - 4 Weeks Old - Buff Orpington Chick
Honey - Six Weeks Old - Buff Orpington Chicken
Poppy - 14 Days Old - Golden Laced Cochin
Poppy - 28 Days Old - Golden Laced Cochin
Poppy - Five Weeks Old - Golden Laced Cochin
Ameraucana and Cochin chicks - 2 day old baby chickens
Nugget - 3 Weeks Old - Ameraucana Chick
Nugget - 5 Weeks Old - Ameraucana
Nugget - 8 Weeks Old - Ameraucana Pullet
Teriyaki - One Week Old - Barnevelder Chicken
Teriyaki - Four Weeks Old - Barnevelder Chicken
Teriyaki - Six Weeks Old - Barnevelder Chicken
Pepper - Two Days Old - Plymouth Barred Rock Chick
Pepper - 21 Days Old - Plymouth Barred Rock Chick
Pepper - 35 Day Old - Plymouth Barred Rock Chicken
Pepper - 8 Week Old Plymouth Barred Rock Chicken
Sriracha - Two Week Old - Production Red Chick
Sriracha - 5 Week Old - Production Red Chick
Sriracha - Eight Weeks Old - Production Red Hen
Blue - Four Weeks Old - Blue Andalusian Chick
Blue - Six Weeks Old - Blue Andalusian Hen
Blue - Eight Week Old Blue Andalusian Pet Chicken
Chicken Rainbow- 3 Week Old Chicks - Bird Photos
Noodle - 21 Days Old - Black Australorp Chicken
Noodle - 35 Days Old - Black Australorp Chicken
Noodle - Eight Weeks Old - Black Australorp Chicken
Honey - 14 Days Old - Buff Orpington Chick
Honey - 5 Weeks Old - Buff Orpington Chick
Honey - Eight Weeks Old - Buff Orpington Chicken
Poppy - 2 Weeks Old - Golden Laced Cochin
Poppy - One Month Old - Golden Laced Cochin
Poppy - Six Weeks Old - Golden Laced Cochin Chicken
Nugget - One Week Old - Ameraucana Chicken
Nugget - 21 Days Old - Ameraucana Chick
Nugget - 5 Weeks Old - Ameraucana Chicken
Nugget - Eight Weeks Old - Ameraucana Chicken
Teriyaki - Two Weeks Old - Barnevelder Chicken
Teriyaki - One Month Old - Barnevelder Chicken
Teriyaki - 6 Weeks Old - Barnevelder Chicken
Pepper - 7 Days Old - Plymouth Barred Rock
Pepper, Not Amused -  1 Month Old Plymouth Barred Rock
Pepper - Six Week Old Plymouth Barred Rock Pet Chicken
Buff Orpington and Production Red - 2 Day Old Chicks
Sriracha - Three Week Old - Production Red Chick
Sriracha - Six Weeks Old - Production Red Hen
Blue - 3 Weeks Old - Blue Andalusian Chick
Blue - One Month Old - Blue Andalusian Chick
Blue - Six Weeks Old - Blue Andalusian Chicken
Blue and Nugget - Eight Week Old Backyard Chickens
Three Week Old Pet Chickens - Odd Pet Portraits
Seven year old boy with baby chicken
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back yard chickens

in 2017 my family added a flock of chickens to our household, purchased from Pickering Valley Feed and Farm in Exton, PA. They hatched on February 22, 2017, and we brought them home when they were two days old. They lived in a cage in our kitchen until they were big enough to go into the coop outside.

We chose seven different breeds of chickens and got one of each: Buff Orpington, Plymouth Barred Rock, Cochin, Barnevelder, Black Australorp, Ameraucana, and a Production Red. We worked hard on naming them something clever and decided they should all be different chicken dishes, even though we don't plan on eating our chickens, just their eggs.

We ended up with Honey, Pepper, Poppy, Sriracha, Nugget, Teriyaki, and Noodle. When the chicks were three weeks old, I saw a Blue Andalusian chick at the feed store that was the same age, and I bought her. It was an impulse buy that I justified by saying we needed a hen that lays white eggs since the others lay brown. And, eight is my favorite number.

I have to admit, I am surprised at how personable and how unique they all are - they are truly all individuals. Honey and Sriracha seem to be the dominant chicks, Poppy and Noodle are the cuddlers, and the other four do their own thing.

I plan on documenting them in photos each week, to show how fast they progress from baby chicks to egg-laying hens. New feathers appear every day, and I think they get a half-inch taller each night. My kids just adore them, and each has their favorite ones. I look forward to many years of fresh eggs and silly chicken antics!

In June of 2018, we lost some birds to a fox attack, so we added a few new chicks. We replaced our Buff Orpington and Plymouth Barred Rock, and also added a second Ameraucana (a white one this time) and a Welsummer. Their names kept with the food theme and we have Peanut, Fry, Sesame, and Patty. I did not do the weekly documenting for these chicks, but they did get a photo shoot when they arrived. Penelope, the curious and trouble-making Holland Lop rabbit, joined in.

Four Baby Chickens - Pet Photos

The Chicks' new album cover, "Mad Tweets"

Buff Orpington with Plymouth Barred Rock Chicks

Plymouth Barred Rock and Buff Orpington chicks

Barnevelder Chick - Hatched Four Days Ago

Welsummer chick

White Ameraucana Chick - 4 Days Old

White Ameraucana Chick

Lop Eared Rabbit Sharing Food with Ameraucana Chick

Holland Lop Rabbit with 4 Day Old Chicks

Pet Portraits in Chester County- Rabbit and Chicks

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